“Has it already been one year since you presented the new brand ENITED?” was one feedback I received when planning and informing about our one year anniversary. Yes, indeed, one year passes by very rapidly, especially when it is filled with new challenges, experiences and faces.
The past year was all about rebranding – not only the company, but also the people. Aiming for new business and clients was, of course, the main core behind creating a whole new strategy and team. After realizing the industry was not the same than it was 5 years ago, this was a necessary step for Ivo and Rosa to show a will for change, leaving their comfort zone behind.
It is for sure that this journey would not have been possible without ENITED´s closest business partners and friends. Over these 18 years of company history, a lot of important contacts have been made and relationships been built – a priceless value that is still paying off. Whether it is support from friends we have been working with on ongoing projects, or inspiration we get from partners we are now working closer with because of new business fields. Or the essential help we receive securing the required infrastructure for our daily work.
This is actually one of the reasons we celebrated our one year anniversary the way we did – getting together with our friends of so many years, appreciating our long-term partnerships and showing them what we have achieved with their support. I think I speak for everybody from ENITED when saying THANK YOU for your company throughout the years and especially during the last months. Cheers to the years to come!